Poignées Blunt Smoke - Red

Poignées Blunt Smoke - Red

Approfitta di uno sconto aggiuntivo dell'8.1 con il codice VAT_OFF. Offerta valida solo online sino al 4 giugno.
Blunt Deck AOS V5 LTD Will Scott 6 - L

Blunt Deck AOS V5 LTD Will Scott 6 - L

Poignées Blunt Smoke - Vert

Poignées Blunt Smoke - Vert

Poignées Blunt Smoke - Red

17,90 CHF
New grips Blunt scooter

Poignées Blunt Smoke - Red

NEW 'Smoke' Color.

The V2 Hand Grip is a soft yet durable 160mm long Thermo Plastic Rubber (TPR) compound Bar ends included for both Standard and Aluminum Bars.

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