Seba - E3 80 - Black - Inline Skates (rollers)

Seba - E3 80 - Black - Inline Skates

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Seba - E3 80 - Black - Inline Skates

Special Price 113,00 CHF 169,00 CHF
New to the big SEBA family, the E3 80 Black is an incredibly well-equipped urban skate. Complete, comfortable and responsive. the sleek, extruded plastic shell allows all feet to appreciate the precision of the skate.
In magazzino - Consegna in 24-48 ore

Seba - E3 80 - Black

New to the big SEBA family, the E3 80 Black is an incredibly well-equipped urban skate. Complete, comfortable and responsive. the sleek, extruded plastic shell allows all feet to appreciate the precision of the skate.

    - New SEBA Liners slippers
    - SEBA 80mm / 82a wheels
    - ABEC7 bearings
    - Metal frames SEBA XR2 rockerable Frames 243mm. Plate with "adjustable screws" (you can raise the wheels at the end of the plate for a banana type assembly in 80mm)

Maggiori Informazioni
FramesXR2 adjustable rocker
SpécificitésXR2 rockerable Frames 243mm SEBA wheels 80mm/82A ABEC 7 Bearings SAFETY Buckle Powerstrap
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